Make history with CAMILLA AND MARC, Professor Caroline Ford, Dr Kristina Warton and the team at the UNSW Sydney Gynaecological Cancer Research Group to help get a world-leading early detection test for ovarian cancer to clinical trials in the next two years.
There is no test for ovarian cancer even though it is the deadliest female cancer. Women deserve better. We all deserve better.
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CAMILLA AND MARC launch Ovaries. Talk About Them. - a global campaign dedicated to changing the face of the deadliest female cancer - ovarian cancer.
In the year 2024, the fact that there is still no test for ovarian cancer, despite it affecting millions of women each year is not good enough. With close to 300,000 new cases annually, worldwide. Women deserve a test. We all deserve better.
Creative Director Camilla Freeman-Topper and CEO Marc Freeman experienced the devastation of Ovarian Cancer first hand after losing their mum to the disease over 30 years ago when they were only 11 and 13 respectively. Their mum, Pamela was 42 when she passed away, two short years after being diagnosed. That profound loss devastated their family and fundamentally changed the course of their lives.
In the 30 years since their mother passed, there is still no test to detect ovarian cancer early. Years of chronic underfunding for research into this disease, and inequalities in the healthcare system has meant that today there is no way of detecting ovarian cancer in its critical early stages.
100% of all proceeds go directly to developing an early detection test for ovarian cancer and to supercharge the work of Professor Caroline Ford, Dr Kristina Warton and the team of scientists at the UNSW Gynecological Cancer Research Group. To date Ovaries. Talk About Them. has raised over $1.7 million which has enabled Professor Caroline Ford to employ two key scientists as well as a full-time nurse to super charge this early detection research. Money has also been spent on essential infrastructure and equipment such as a Quantative PCR Machine, Freezers for blood bio-banking, Qubit Machine and Liquid Handling Robot.
Every dollar raised from this campaign goes directly to getting the world’s first DNA based early detection test for ovarian cancer to clinical trials in the next 2 years.
Learn more about the UNSW Gynaecological Cancer Research Group via the links below:
Early Detection of Ovarian Cancer
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